As I post this we are approaching the end of Christmastide, Lent and Easter will be soon upon us. It seems sad to me that one particular beautiful and ancient carol melody is left behind after Christmas which could be carried on with other lyrics further into the liturgical year. So for the musical minded and gifted I offer the following lyrics for the Wexford Carol melody. I would love to hear them sung by those with the musical talent that I lack. I know many could do much better.
Jesus on the Heights On Tabor shone a heav'nly light when love the law and prophet met above the Armageddon plain and people deep in darkness kept Then he descended in God’s plan though sinless unlike other men to be in our forsaken plight death tested on Moriah’s height Laid in a tomb he would disown when angels rolled away the stone his work complete took sabbath rest before he rose to greet the blest Seen first by women at the tomb apostles in the upper room disciples on the Emmaus road and hundreds more we have been told To Olivet he came one day and told his friends to wait and pray then unto heav'n was lifted up to set the place where we shall sup Nine days in the upper room they prayed and on the tenth the Spirit came rising wind falling tongues of fire true life abiding soul's desire Divine word speaking babel cure claim us cleanse us take us as yours come to dwell within our hearts and from us may you never part
Of course these lyrics can also be sung to other melodies, including “Old Hundredth” to which The Doxology, or Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow is sung.
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